Lake Powell - Day 1

We arrived at Lake Powell late the night before, and rose early in hopes of getting a cheap houseboat for the two days that we would be spending here as part of our vacation.  We found out that a cheap houseboat doesn't exist at Lake Powell, so we put our heads together and figured out that we could afford a very small speedboat for one day.

So instead, we headed off to the local grocery store, and got enough food for the next three days, cooked lunch & laid out on the beach of the lake.


We made a great lunch of Baked Beans and Hot Dogs.  Buddy graciously did the dishes so Jen could get more sun time!


This is the Glen Canyon Dam, where they decided to block up the Colorado River, and create one of the most beautiful resort areas around.  Buddy caught a coyote running across the road and into the bushes.  Overall, today was a very relaxing day.  We even rented a movie on DVD and watched it on our new computer.  Tomorrow, we hit the Lake!

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